Starting a home business making candles is a good way to turn your hobby into a career. The National Candle Association says retail sales of candles in the U.S. equals about $ 2 billion per year. Most buyers are women candle, and 70 percent of homes in the candles United States use. A candle making business is a good type of home business because startup costs are low and it is easy to manage from home.
Learn more about candlemaking. Unless you have much knowledge about the manufacture of candles, you should take the time to learn more about the use of different scents, candle making wax to beeswax candle terminology, safety candle incorporating colors in candle wax and so on.
Designate a workspace in your home to make candles. Home Based Business Opportunities states that the manufacture of candles in your own kitchen is not a good idea because the process of candle making is a mess. Consider creating a space for making candles in your garage or cloakroom. You work area should be cool enough to allow candles to finish the configuration.
Create a space to store your candles and business documents.
Purchase materials for making candles. The equipment you need includes beeswax or paraffin to melt, wicks, molds, candle, perfumes, dyes, cooking pots to melt wax and a stove. Home Business Center states that the cost to purchase this equipment is about $ 200.
Purchase of equipment for your home business. Office equipment, you'll need are a computer, printer, Internet connection, and materials for packaging and shipment of candles you make.
Market your business making candles. Home Business Center states that the word-of-mouth is the best source of advertising, so your best sources of marketing are those who have received the candles you. In addition, you should consider marketing your candles for owners of gift shops, craft fairs and Christmas bazaars where you can put up posters and hand out business cards for those who want to buy your candles. The National Candle Association says that most candles are sold during the holiday months.
Another good place to discuss marketing your candles on the Internet by a professional website that sells your product. Advertise your goods through social networking sites.
help start a small business