Running a business in Michigan is more than having an idea and the execution of this idea well. You must follow a variety of protocols to register your business with the federal and provincial governments, pay fees and obtain licenses to sell your service in Michigan.
Select a business structure that meets your immediate and short term financial needs and tax. Options include a limited liability company, nonprofit corporation or limited partnership.
Request identification number of the employer - a number of permanent business that allows you to open a business bank account, obtain licenses and file business taxes - on-line site the IRS.
Michigan tax register. Create an online account at and completes the application process. Or, print the form 518 - Michigan Business registration taxes - and send it to the Michigan Department of Treasury.
Wait eight to 10 days from the date you submit your application state tax to receive your sales and use tax license. Wait three days to receive your PIN state.
help start a small business
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