A company incorporated in North Carolina is a separate legal entity that has an existence separate from the owners of the company. A single business owner or an unlimited number of owners can form corporations in the State of North Carolina. Other companies, limited liability companies, partnerships, foreign companies and individuals can participate in the ownership of a company in North Carolina.
Choose a name for the company. The name of the company chose North Carolina must be unique report on behalf of the company to other companies registered with the Secretary of State of North Carolina. Two companies of the State of North Carolina can not share the same name. Navigate the North Carolina Secretary of State website to confirm availability of trade name. Include words such as "embedded", "corporation" "limited" or "society" in the name of the company to indicate that the company is a corporation.
Name of company directors in North Carolina. Any company in North Carolina must select at least one person on the board of directors of the company. The directors of a company in North Carolina did not reside in the state or be a certain age. You may or may not list the first directors of a company in North Carolina in the training documents of the company.
Print items fill-in-the-blank of the constitution on the website of the North Carolina Secretary of State. Call the North Carolina Secretary of State at 919-807-2225 to apply for articles by mail, if you do not have access to the Internet. Pick up North Carolina articles of incorporation in person by visiting the North Carolina Secretary of State office.
Secretary of State of North Carolina
2 South Salisbury St.
Raleigh, NC 27601Complete sections of North Carolina to the constitution. Indicate the name and address of the company, and describe the nature of business activities in North Carolina. Indicate the name and address of each founder who will be responsible for organizing society in North Carolina. Name of a person or business with a physical address in North Carolina as an agent of the company. An officer from North Carolina placed on the responsibility of continuing to accept and other commercial documents on behalf of a company in North Carolina. Include the signature of each incorporator of the North Carolina sections of the constitution.
Pay the filing fee. Provide a check, money order, credit or debit card payment to cover the $125 filing fee charged by the Secretary of State of North Carolina. Send the completed articles of incorporation by mail the Secretary of State. Or, file North Carolina articles of incorporation in person at the Secretary of State of North Carolina's office to expedite the filing process.
Secretary of State of North Carolina
PO Box 29622
Raleigh, NC 27626Hold first meeting of the society. Establish the North Carolina company share price, which is the duty of company executives. Issue stock certificates to the initial shareholders of the company in North Carolina. the exchange of cash, goods and services in exchange for a stake in the company.
Subscribe to the Internal Revenue Service. Visit the IRS to obtain an online federal tax identification number. Provide the legal name and location of the company in North Carolina, describe the nature of business activities and indicate the number of employees working for the company. Call 800-829-4933 to obtain an identification number federal tax by telephone. The IRS will give you an identification number federal tax to a company representative in North Carolina at the end of the session phone or online.
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